Walking in California

The walkability scores of Californian cities based on amenities can be found here:


Below are the 4 largest cities followed by the four cities with the highest walkscores in California.

(Pasadena and Oakland are there just out of curiosity.)

City Zip Code Median Income Increase in walking Walk Score Transit Score Bike Score Population
Los Angeles 90011 58k 68 53 59 3,792,621
San Diego 92126 76k 51 37 43 1,307,402
San Jose 95123 100k 49 41 62 945,942
San Francisco 94112 100k 87 80 72 805,235
West Hollywood 70k 91 61 57 34,399
Hermosa Beach 90254 140k 87 70 19,506
Berkeley 94704 80k 83 59 82 112,580
Santa Monica 90405 90k 82 62 86 89,736
Huntington Park 40k 82 53 60 58,114
Pasadena 91104 77k 69 51 70 137,122
Oakland 94601 68k 74 56 65 390,724

If we compare weeks of 21 Oct 2019 and 19 Oct 2020 and look at the percentage change in the modal share of walking trips:

We see Los Angeles, Pasadena, West Hollywood (most walkable), Santa Monica, Huntington Park (m.income: 40k) and Hermosa Beach (m.income: 140k) in the below map:

L.A has lower walkability score based on amenities but has quite a bit of walking activity.

We see San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley and San Jose in the below map.

Like L.A, Oakland has lower walkability but has high walking activity.

We see San Diego in the below map:

Now we take the top and bottom 200 tracts for change in proportion of walking trips and select those in LA County, Alameda County (Oakland) and San Francisco. We then exclude all the tracts that have under 50 average walking trips weekly.