LA Maps – Work as Trip Purpose – New Data
1. All LA County census tracts.
Colors showing %change in work purposed trip counts originating from tract, average weekday, comparing weeks of October 19, 2020 and October 21, 2019.
2. Census tracts where %change in work purposed trip counts have increased.
Colors show % increase in work purposed trips.
3. Census tracts where %change in work purposed trip counts have increased AND percentage of essential workers to the working population is above 50%.
Essential worker percentage is calculated based on census bureau’s ACS table S2401, by filtering potentially essential jobs. (Likely over represented here.)
Colors show % increase in work purposed trips.
4. Census tracts where %change in work purposed trip counts have increased AND percentage of essential workers to the working population is above 50%.
Colors show median household income. (Income indicated as 250,000+ is shown as 250,000.)
5. Census tracts where %change in work purposed trip counts have increased.
Colors show median household income. (Income indicated as 250,000+ is shown as 250,000.)
6. Census tracts where %change in work purposed trip counts have increased, where population is greater than 1000.
Colors show median household income. (Income indicated as 250,000+ is shown as 250,000.)
7. Census tracts where work purposed trip counts decreased and population is greater than 1000.
Colors show median household income. (Income indicated as 250,000+ is shown as 250,000.)
8. Census tracts where work purposed trip counts decreased and population is greater than 1000.
Colors show % of essential workers. Essential worker percentage is calculated based on census bureau’s ACS table S2401, by filtering potentially essential jobs. (Likely over represented here.)
Same map with different color scale